If You Are Facing Difficulties In Life And You Are A Firstborn, Do This Ten Things Quickly.
Gurllys_VoiceJul 16, 2020 2:17 PM
Are you are a Firstborn of your family and your life seems not to be going forward nor backwards? Is it that anything you put your hands to do does not prosper even though others are prospering in it? Are you feeling stuck in life? And you are about to give up? Please don't give up yet because there is still hope for you.

I want you to understand that as a Firstborn of your family, there are titles and obligations assigned to you by default because you are the next person in charge of your family, and of course, unseen forces will definitely try to fight you spiritually. Believe it or not, there are good and bad spirit beings in the spirit realm and they control the spiritual while the spiritual controls the physical.

As a Firstborn, you are the next person to get some attacks after your parents because you hold the mantle of leadership in your family. Evil forces that doesn't want your family to grow from a lower stage to a higher one will always come after your destiny and tries to manipulate it and make you confused in life.

But there is still hope for you only if you are willing to recognise God as your father and call on him to fight every unseen powers for you. Only if you are willing to commit all to him and let him fight your spiritual battles. Your way will be fully open. Go down on your knees as we say this ten prayer points together.

1] Command every evil garment covering your face and star from shining to be destroy in Jesus name.

2] Anywhere they are making mention of your name for evil, let it backfire them in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

3] Pray for your destiny to be released. Anywhere your destiny is been caged that is making you to be confused in your life path, command that cage to be broken and your destiny released in Jesus name.

4] Anywhere your name was dedicated to without your knowledge and it's making life difficult for you, ask God to neutralize their negative influence over your life.

5] In anyway you must have sinned against God beg him for forgiveness because he said that the prayer of a sinner is an abomination in his sight.

6] Ask God for the divine wisdom to recognise your life purpose so that you can be on the right track of your life to achieve what you are destined to be.

7] Place your two hands on your head and ask for God's grace over your life. Pray for God's mercy and favor over your life. Ask God for his unlimited blessings to locate you this day. Pray for financial stability in your life.

8] Decree success and greatness over your life. Say it with great command because what you ask and proclaim shall be given unto you.

9] Every ancestral curse in your family will never see you because you are covered with the blood of Jesus Christ.

10] If you are a lady and you are yet to marry. Pray that every evil mask that is been used to cover your face making it difficult for men to notice you be destroy in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Have time to be doing prayer and fasting according to what spirit of God leads you to do, but do this:

1-Read bible from 3 to 5 chapters every day, with a pen in your hand .
2- Mark the verses that you can use to pray as prayer requests.
3-Use them to pray violent prayer. (
Use the verses that mention good  things to claim them for your self, and pray to destroy the powers that hinder those good  blessings to come to you,
The verses that mention bad things to purge yourself from those bad things and pray to destroy the demons that bring those bad things.
3- Make sure that you obey the word of God  )
Leave the passages of genealogy and sacrifices and read others passages, then pray violent prayer to destroy all powers of your family idols, Democratic foundation, according to the leading of the spirit, follow this example in this video

 ,and deliver yourself

As you have prayed, God almighty will do it for you, and I promise you that that phone call you have been expecting will come. That proposal you have been waiting for will definitely happen in Jesus Christ name we pray; Amen!

Please share these prayer points for others to be liberated too. You are delivered and God bless you.


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